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Water Footprint Calculatorwaterfootprint2019-12-14T00:42:02-08:00
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How many people are in your household?
How long is the average shower in your household?
11 or more Minutes
Under 5 Minutes
5-10 Minutes
How long do your bathroom faucets run in your home per day?
11 or more Minutes
Under 5 Minutes
5-10 Minutes
How often do you flush the toilet in your home per day?
6 or more times
3 timer or less
3-5 times
How long do your kitchen faucets run in your home per day?
31 minutes or more
Under 5 minutes
5-10 minutes
16-30 minutes
How do you wash your dishes?
Wash dishes by hand
Use of dishwasher
How often are dishes washed in your home per week?
8 times or more per week
1-3 times per week
4-6 times per week
How often do you water your lawn?
5 times or more per week
1-2 times per week
3-5 times per week
Check all that apply
Household water hose
Sprinkler syetster
Drip Irrigation
How do you water your lawn?
How long do you water with your household hose?
More than an hour
0-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46 minutes - 1 hour
How many square feet do you water with your sprinkler system?
5,000 sq ft or more
1-500 sq ft
501-1,000 sq ft
1,001-5,000 sq ft
How long do you let your sprinkler system run?
More than an hour
0-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46 minutes - 1 hour
How many square feet do you water with your drip irrigation?
5,000 sq ft or more
1-500 sq ft
501-1,000 sq ft
1,001-5,000 sq ft
How long do you let your drip irrigation run?
More than an hour
0-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46 minutes - 1 hour
How often do you wash your car?
Once a day
Once a day
Once a month
Once a week
How do you wash your car?
Household water hose
Drive-thru car wash facility
Full-service car wash facilituy
Gallons Per Day
You leave a small waterfootprint on the environment. Keep up the good work!
Click here to learn additional tips and tricks on ways to save!
Gallons Per Month
Gallons Per Year
Gallons Per Day
You leave a medium water footprint on the environment. Let's learn together more ways that we can conserve water.
Click here to learn additional tips and tricks on ways to save!
Gallons Per Day
You leave a large water footprint on the environment. Let's work towards lowering our daily usage.
Click here to learn additional tips and tricks on ways to save!
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