There’s much more to learn about water use and reducing your water footprint. Check out these websites for additional tips and information.
Water Conservation Rebates and Grants
Looking to make upgrades that will reduce your water use? Metropolitan Water District of Southern California provides rebates for projects inside and outside your home to offset the initial costs of water-efficient appliances and landscaping.
California Department of Water Resources
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) manages and protects California’s water resources. DWR works with other agencies to benefit the state’s people, and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments.
Properly Time Your Irrigation System
This guide by the California Department of Water Resources shows how to determine the proper length of time to schedule your irrigation system.
Water-Saving Tips
Even small adjustments can make a big impact when it comes to saving water. This link offers more than 100 ways you can save water.
Learn How Much Water Your Household Uses
Once you have a better understanding of your water use, it becomes easy to find ways to conserve. This interactive tool asks a series of questions about your water usage in various areas inside and outside your home, to develop a custom report on how efficiently you use water.
Water-Wise Landscaping and Gardening
Drought-resistant landscaping is more than just dirt and rocks. Check out this site to learn how to give your landscape some color while minimizing your water footprint.
Save Our Water
Save Our Water is a statewide program created by the California Department of Water Resources and the Association of California Water Agencies to help people reduce their water use. This program offers ideas on how people can permanently reduce their water use – regardless of whether there is a drought in California.
WaterSense helps people save water with a product label and tips for saving water around the house. Products carrying the WaterSense label perform well, help save money, and encourage innovation in manufacturing.
New Trends in Water Conservation
Keep up to date on the newest trends in water conservation. This site offers regular updates on how you can make better choices to save water.